Thursday, July 15, 2010

Cremation - Religion, Faith, Culture and Costs

Cremation is when a non living body is reduced to ashes by burning in a crematory fire or crematorium furnace. The remains of the fire are often placed in urns where they are then buried, held at memorial sites, kept by loved ones, or sometimes hold wishes by the person that has passed on. A common wish is to be spread out over the Oceans or something similar.

Being cremated is a very common act with other popular methods such as casket funerals.Ancient evidence has placed cremation back to at least 26,000 years ago. It is likely common that the practice took place prior to this point in time but evidence would have likely been destroyed or lost. Throughout history different cultures have both embraced and prohibited the use of cremation.

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Different religions and cultures often depict what one is able to request done with their remains. Depending on how strict someone follows their religion will set forth if the remains must be buried, kept, or spread at will. A common example of this is Roman Catholicism requires a follower to bury or entomb the remains which generally would require an urn to properly follow. Other religions and cultures have far more complex rules to follow so this should be an important step in your research based on your faith.

Economically speaking, cremation can also be far less expensive to be preformed that a traditional casket burial. Although it is commonly not the important topic at a funeral, the cost burden on those paying for it can be unaffordable at times. If a body is cremated without a coffin and the not buried it can save thousands of dollars if it was done otherwise. Urns to place the remains in can even be found right here on the internet at a great discount from prices held within funeral homes.

International Society for Religion Literature and Culture

There is also many other reasons people choose cremation over a traditional burial. The ability to become incinerated and become one with the earth is commonly more appealing than decomposing slowly within a small casket. Environmentally speaking cremation is also better for the earth in many ways.

The embalming fluids, caskets, and other means used in traditional burials contaminate the ground water and the ground itself. Pollution aside, common burials require a large amount of space which is becoming more scarce and expensive in largely populated areas. These are all things to consider when choosing a proper funeral.
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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Religion, Culture, and Politics in the Twentieth

Anyone who seeks to understand the dynamics of culture and politics in the United States must grapple with the importance of religion in its many diverse and contentious manifestations. With conservative evangelicals forming the base of the Republican Party, racial-ethnic communities often organized along religious lines.

Socio-political movements on the left including major religious components, many of the country's key cultural-political debates are carried out through religious discourse. In this volume, Mark Hulsether leads readers on a tour of religion in the United States. He introduces key players and offers a set of case studies to explore the interaction of these players with major trends in U.S. cultural history.

Students in American studies and cultural studies will especially appreciate how Hulsether frames his analysis using categories such as cultural hegemony, race and gender contestation, popular culture, and empire, enabling a more informed and constructive discussion of religion in these fields.

Hulsether offers a synthesis that is concise yet internally complex and dynamic—one that gives special attention to religious diversity and conflict, the relations between religious groups and broader historical trends, and the internal struggles of religious people as they set priorities and cope with emerging change.
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